Category Archives: Mindset

15 years and counting…

I used to love art when I was younger. It’s been almost 15 years since I last tried to draw anything. So I decided to pick up a pencil and draw a picture for my mother-in-law’s birthday.

My love of art started at an early age as a way to channel my misplaced energy, it gave me a sense of freedom and focus nothing else in my life could. All the negative feelings seemed to wither away when I put pencil to paper and the world seemed to stop as I became engrossed in my art. Continue reading 15 years and counting…

Believe me, no seriously!

I have lost count of the number of books I have read about success and how to be successful, my bookshelves are full of books on sales, self development, marketing, business,  entrepreneurship and the autobiographies detailing the trials and tribulations of the successful.

I have always been interested in more factual information than fiction and I am like a sponge when it comes to anything that can improve my mindset, productivity, strategies and development.

Continue reading Believe me, no seriously!

More opportunities than hours

The other day I was trying to get hold of a very close friend of mine who was proving elusive as usual. He’d just launched a business and was doing everything the could to make it successful, so I guess over a couple of weeks I let his mobile phone phobia slide.

After trying to call him over a couple of weeks I finally received a text message at 2.48am, saying he would call me around 10am.

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