Believe me, no seriously!

I have lost count of the number of books I have read about success and how to be successful, my bookshelves are full of books on sales, self development, marketing, business,  entrepreneurship and the autobiographies detailing the trials and tribulations of the successful.

I have always been interested in more factual information than fiction and I am like a sponge when it comes to anything that can improve my mindset, productivity, strategies and development.

3404684083_ca4bdc2b24_bEarlier on today I was having a conversation with a good friend, a member of my mastermind group and the conversation moved to the subject of success.

More specifically why some people who seem to have everything in place never seem to achieve success or follow through, and those who seem to have no hope find a way no matter what.


After reading 100’s of books, articles, studies and blogs, listening to countless audio tapes, videos and inspirational quotes, the single biggest contributor in my opinion is BELIEF!

Belief in yourself and what you stand for
Belief in your own ability
Belief in a greater good
Belief that what you are seeing right now is not all that there is
Belief that you can make a difference
Belief that you will make a difference
Belief that what you are doing is the right thing



 Don’t forget to read the small print*

*Like most things in life there is of course a caveat to this. Belief on it’s own doesn’t go so far, with belief you need action. Massive and continuous action, to turn your belief into your behaviors.

Strange things start to happen when you have belief. Even more so when you have a plan and take action. You tend to gain experience.

When that experience results in something positive, you gain confidence. When the experience comes in the form of a setback it is your belief and actions that carry you through this difficult period.

When you do the above, opportunities become abundant, people around you also start to believe. They start to believe in YOU!

They gain confidence in your abilities, they look to you for leadership, guidance, advice, friendship, collaboration, business ventures and more.

This in turn reinforces your own confidence and belief and so the cycle gains momentum.

The more you help others that are drawn to you and your beliefs the more your beliefs and confidence are reaffirmed and upheld.

No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. – See more at:
No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. – See more at:
Quote LetterNo one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish

– Napoleon Hill


Just look at anyone who is where you want to be and achieving results that you want to achieve. You will see how their beliefs differ from yours. You will also notice how people are drawn to their beliefs.

It is their beliefs that gives them their purpose, determines who and how they are as well as what actions they take and ultimately, the results they achieve.

So why do people achieve success?

Belief and action – without these two your chance of success in anything is, slim and none.


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