Fear and loathing of bananas

From the age of 5 up until 34, I have had a fear of bananas!

Now I know this sounds quite strange but they have always made me feel slightly sick, mainly because of the smell and the consistency.

The change in my perception like most things in life came from necessity for me to move in a different direction.

A few weeks prior to the change I was introduced to a very inspirational guy by the name of Adam Stevens, founder of Intelligent Eating (www.intelligenteating.org).

Now Adam’s story is that of someone who had experienced incredible pain in his life but was now in his flow and sharing principals of diet and nutrition that quite literally saves lives.

With my own mother suffering from type 2 diabetes, this is something and someone I wanted needed to pay attention to. Because of our encounter a few weeks ago I began researching the significant benefits of a healthier plant based diet.

One of the few things I enjoy more than eating meat is dairy and refined sugar in the form of sugar in my coffee and the odd ice cream. If you’re going to go down, you go down screaming and fighting in my opinion!

Wanting to still have the odd treat, whilst realistically changing my dieting habits to stave off ill health, I started looking at viable ice cream alternatives. Low and behold I came across a recipe for banana ice cream.

“Before you stop reading my post, I haven’t turned this into can’t cook won’t cook, so bare with me on this one”

This recipe involved nothing but frozen banana, soya milk and some almonds.

With my longstanding dislike for bananas but wanting to eat more healthily and still have some form of pudding, I gave it a go. Using my wife as official taster of course, just in case things went sour.

Turns out this is actually a really tasty alternative to ice cream and I absolutely love it.

This has now transformed what I associated in the past to the little yellow terrors.

This brings me round to the original point of this post. Aren’t we all holding onto something in the form of a belief or an idea that was once true but is actually holding us back.

Once we break through the barrier we realise what we had been missing and in my case at least, look back thinking “why didn’t I do that sooner”.

What I do know is that I no longer have the fear and loathing of bananas, I have now added an additional “Why Not” reference to my vocabulary.

My fear and loathing has turned into frozen and loving!


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