Sales tips from my 2yr old

Having kids can seriously  sharpen up your sales and negotiation skills no end.

It just so happens that my youngest son is one of the best sales coaches in the world.

A toddler who can bring grown men to tears with his quite frankly, fierce negotiation skills.

Have you ever tried to negotiate with a wide awake toddler at 2am, how about trying to negotiate with a wide awake toddler who knows he holds all the aces and gives you the look of….. is that all you’ve got.

Conversations at this hour tend to be quite surreal and can end up with me begging for mercy if I show any sign of weakness. This is where, whilst sleep deprived, I have to use all my sales skills to quickly find out, what he wants  and needs.

Then deliver it in a structured clear concise manner, whilst with my eyes half open.

Sounds more complicated than just giving him a cuddle and putting him back down, that’s because it is!

My boy is a lot smarter than he looks and after many a sleepless night I now know that he responds well to negotiation, although he is frightfully good at it.

At the end of the day like anyone you want to help or have help you and even do business with, he’s not going to do anything he doesn’t want to, why should he!

My job is to facilitate what he wants whilst keeping an eye on what I want so we both win.

Heaven help us when he reaches the age of negotiating his pocket money.


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